SDI/TDI Sidemount Course
- Duration: 3 Days (approx.)
Mexico Divers - Diving Isla Mujeres
The Sidemount Diver course teaches students how to utilize side-mounted primary cylinders as an alternative to the traditional back-mounted method.
Two separate courses are covered within this online program, the SDI Sidemount Diver course and the TDI Sidemount Diver course. Whether you take this course through Scuba Diving International (SDI) or Technical Diving International (TDI) will depend on your past training and experience, along with your future goals. If, for example, you have no prior technical diver training and experience, and you do not anticipate exceeding accepted sport diving limits, you will most likely take this course through SDI. On the other hand, if you see yourself doing technical dives or if you are interested in diving in overhead environments, you may decide on the TDI Sidemount Diver course.
Emphasis on this course is placed upon gear familiarity and sidemount diving skills and techniques.
The new SDI/TDI Sidemount Diver program is far more than just another “how to” book on sidemount diving. It’s a complete, comprehensive set of training materials designed to work together to make learning and teaching sidemount diving easy. These materials include:
- Student Manual
- Knowledge Quest Workbook
- Instructor Guide
- Power-Point Presentations
- Digital Instructor Resource
- Final Exams and Answer Keys
On top of this, all of this information is available as an SDI/TDI eLearning course that covers the same material, in the same sequence, and in the same depth.
Benefit: The new Sidemount Diver course materials save retailers and instructors time, as they don’t need to go to several different sources to assemble the materials needed to teach a comprehensive course, nor do they need to take the time necessary to come up with their own quizzes, exams and similar teaching tools. Further, they do not have to explain to students and customers why eLearning is not available for this course because it is.
It’s Flexible
Feature: You can use the same materials to teach or take everything from an SDI open-water Sidemount Diver course to a TDI technical diving course for deep, cave or wreck.